
Conducting the business of our school district with transparency establishes trust.  Transparency means more than not actively hiding information.  Being transparent includes ease of access to information and in some instances communicate information even if it is not required by statute. 

While researching our district’s financial data to increase my understanding of our district’s fiscal condition, I’ve found holes or missing financial reports.  The district’s website contains only one Annual Budget Publication, and that was for the 2018-2019 school year. For additional information the web site links you back to the Minnesota Department of Education to find consolidated financial statements.  However, the MDE has no reports more current than the 2008-2009 school year.  And lastly, the last Audited Financial Statement shown is for the 2021-2022 school year. These omissions could be accidental, or maybe state laws no longer require they be provided. The missing data makes it difficult to understand budget trends and other important historic dates.

The Alexandria Area School district could also improve transparency regarding the supporting committees board members serve on.  These are: Negotiation and Personnel: Curriculum and Policy; and Budget and Facilities.  As stated in district policy, these meetings shall be open to the public in compliance with Open Meeting Law. 

Unlike the regular school board meetings, the committee meetings do not show up on the district’s calendar web page. On the web page for the school board meeting, I was able to find that these committees meet at either 6am or 6:30am the week prior to the regular School Board Meeting. No further information about these committees can be found.  By limiting information that would help people attend the committee meetings and scheduling them at a time that is difficult for people to attend seems to be going against transparency.

Often in life, it is the things that are hidden or not discussed that we should question.  This leaves me very skeptical and concerned about what is not being shown. When I am elected to the school board, I will search for the answers to why these committees lack transparency and will drive the actions to correct this.